Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Stop Your Labrador Puppy Biting In 3 Easy Steps

All right so it's time to address puppy biting. there's some important things to understand about puppies and why they bite. There's some research out there right now that deals with something called abi. It's acquired bite inhibition and until a puppy's about four or five months old they're in the process of learning how hard they should bite down, what's an appropriate bite strength. If you wait too long to help your puppy acquire this bite inhibition, that window closes and you're dealing with a whole new animal. What you want to do is you want to teach your puppy while this little how hard is appropriate, and our goal obviously is to teach that when dealing with people we don't want to we don't want a puppy that bites at all. Before teaching them that what we'll do is we'll teach him to bite soft soft soft and then we'll worry about the frequency and all of that later on.  And so as we get out of the things I'm going to do is and he's just woke up so he's not in a real feisty mood but what I'm going to do is when he's when he bites down I'm just going to yell out. I've heard trainers say that and I used to when we when I first got my first dog we we we would Yelp like the dog and I've I've learned that you don't necessarily need to do that if you just act like a person and let them know with your voice that what they're doing is too much. When it gets to be like this you'll notice one of the things that you don't want to have happen is you don't want to be the one don't want to be the one to move your hand away you want your puppy to be the one to back off. If you move your hand that entices chasing and he's going to go after you even harder because he thinks it's just a part of the game.  And so as you cried out and let your puppy know with tenor or with the tone of your voice and the volume without making it scary or threatening that what he's doing that you don't like what he's doing. And then immediately re-engage your puppy so Odin comes here Odin hey hey bud hey hey ow ow-ow-ow good boy all right good boy yeah good boy boy yeah. One of the things that you'll notice is that as you do this more and more with your puppy the biting is going to start getting less and less. Eventually lyrtle comes down to is that'll be just a mouthing, and maybe even just some licking which will address that in a later video. but that's exactly what you want, you're not going to see this is one of those things that you're just going to have to be patient with.  this is another thing to keep in mind as parents as the adults in the home if you've made the decision to bite the dog now good boy all right. If you've made the decision to get a dog it needs to be how you need to be the one that teaches them the bite inhibition this is not something to turn over to your eight-year-old daughter or twelve-year-old son. He just bit my collar which reminds me of something else that you know you want to do when they bite your clothing or anything else you're wearing. You've got a watch band now that hurts. Good boy because the dog doesn't know the difference between a jacket and your skin and so we just want to teach them that hey hey that hurts how we want to teach them that biting people altogether is not acceptable. And so again and see I this isn't something like sit or lay or any other things we've taught our dogs it's not something they're going to get in five minutes. this is going to be several weeks. It's a lot of patience you're going to end up with a lot of scratches on your arms you there's going to be some real painful moments in this but it's going to pay off later on when you have an adult dog that has a very soft mouth, especially if you've got a Labrador Retriever and golden retriever. you're going to have a dog that has a really soft mouth that's going to understand you know that the people aren't chewing toys, and that's really what you want to get. Don't put this off this is something you want to start off you know you want to start this with your dog and as soon as they start biting give them that feedback let it be consistent every time they bite down hard. Then once they've got the hard biting down then then any time they bite you At all any time you feel their teeth on your skin you're going to give that back you're going to give that feedback. And then eventually you're going to get that anytime they put their mouth on you just that's unacceptable behavior.  But it is kind of a three-step process so take your time working through this with your dog with your puppy. the more patient you are and the more consistent you are with the bite inhibition training the quicker your dog will work through it. But again though this isn't something you can wait for until the dog gets to be five or six or seven months old.  If you've got a nine month old dog, even a Labrador that traditionally has soft mouths when retrieving you could have some really serious biting problems where they're jumping up and grabbing your arm or grabbing the back of your leg. That's been one of ours that's been one of our favorites are less favorites with Odin is he likes to grab the back of your pants as you're running away. Hey leave the carpet alone hey hey you Hey so there's our there's our first video on an out bite inhibition if you just follow those steps you'll give it a couple of weeks and if you still have any if you have any questions or any problems go ahead leave me a comment down below or or shoot me an email.

from Pet Dog FAQ https://www.petdogfaq.com/vid/view/teach-a-lab-puppy-not-to-bite/cXFjB

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